Grace Tarry

Grace Tarry Headshot ArtistGrace Tarry is currently a sophomore at Millennium Brooklyn high school. Their journey started with them messing around on Pixlr (a design website) and finding the drawing tool. All it took was that one thing to set off their love for digital drawing. At first, it was simply a hobby but it brought her so much joy because she was accepting herself by making people who look like her. Never before was she so aware of black women and how much she was empowered by seeing them in all art forms. She feels free digitally because she can show dark skin women who can be the focal point of the picture. This art makes her feel something and she is so glad that she saw that drawing tool because it has shaped her creativity this year.

With Poetic Theater Productions:

Art featured in gallery show The Art of Resilience in Poetic License 2019: Resilience

Poetic Theater Productions Copyright 2020.