Reflection & Sharing Space Black Text on grey gradient
DATE: April 3, 2022
TIME: 4:00 pm
VENUE: Virtual
On Ukraine: Reflection and Sharing Space April 3, 2022

Reflections, poetry, spoken word and conversation.

This session is created for veterans, family of veterans AND civilian community members to share feelings, reflections, poetry, and support each other in community in order to decompress from the invasion of the Ukraine and continue the conversation about the ravages of war.

The session, led by Jenny Pacanowski and Omar Columbus, will include an opportunity to discuss feelings surrounding this ongoing crisis and its associations through a facilitated conversation: utilizing prompts to encourage a greater connection to self and community agreements to maintain a space of compassion and non-judgment.

This will be an opportunity for all community members to decompress and release feelings surrounding what is undoubtedly an emotional reality for many to be confronted with. 

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Poetic Theater Productions Copyright 2020.