Caryn Davidson

Caryn Davidson Headshot Artist, Curator, Activist, EducatorCaryn Davidson is an art educator who teaches for social justice, global awareness, and self-understanding. She studied Anthropology and Visual Art at Brown University and received a Masters in Arts Education (Teaching Art For Social Justice) from New York University. Throughout her 15-year career, She has founded and developed the arts programs at three small public schools in the South Bronx and Brooklyn, and led initiatives to promote culturally relevant pedagogy and socially just practices within these school communities. The purpose of her work both as an artist and educator is to call attention to how human rights are specifically threatened and defended in our world, and to honor the freedom fighters who have risked their lives to protect sacred ancestries and the preciousness of our collective existence on this Earth.  She seeks to help young people deconstruct any limiting conceptions about artistic expression in order for them to discover the creative modalities through which they can most powerfully access and communicate the nuances and intersections of their identities and inner truths. She is an organizer with the Black Lives Matter At School NYC educators group and co-facilitator of an Inquiry-to-Action-Group about art and social justice within the New York Collective of Radical Educators.

With Poetic Theater Productions:

Gallery Curator & Featured Artist in gallery art show The Art of Resilience in Poetic License 2019: Resilience

Gallery Curator & Featured Artist in gallery art show Reclamation: A Celebration of Art and Action in Poetic License 2018: Reclamation

Artist of portrait used for Village Orpheus graphic design

Featured Artist in gallery art show RESISTANCE in Poetic License 2017: Resistance

Poetic Theater Productions Copyright 2020.